About RoboTalent
Why use RoboTalent for your job search?
RoboTalent will build a profile based on your public source code, or resume, and automatically match it up with relevant active job offers. It's free to use, and privacy oriented.
Why use RoboTalent for your company?
RoboTalent will match your job offer requirements with developers looking for new jobs. It automatically pulls out the information from your listing, and will match it with likely candiates.
For how long will you keep my profile?
By default your profile will only stay in our database for a month. If the system doesn't detect any updates, then it's assumed that you've moved on and your information will be removed.
Can I remove my data?
Yes, you can opt out at any time. We do need to keep some metadata to ensure your information will not get picked up again, but this will mostly consists of hashes without actual knowledge of said information.
Can I be notified about new relevant job offers?
Yes, you can sign up to set up recurring notifications. It can be turned off at any time.
Are you really using AI?
Not really. We currently use a rule based system mostly based on keyword matching.